Tourist _Fotoausstellung
Photography Exhibition, March 2017, Vienna
The selection of photographs is inspired by a similarity of form language.
Geometrical forms occurring as a frame, a border or a guiding line. For me the images will always contain memories of once visited places but through an intentional lack of information about the surrounding, the viewer is left alone with his/her own set of memories providing a different, individual context to the seen. I am interested in the abstraction through detailed depiction and see excitement in the possibility of placing photographs together that are unrelated in their origin. Different scenarios in different cities can be connected. Showing only a fraction, a detail, enables me to represent different contents as equal. A connection is drawn and the impact of size is neglected.
My debut Photography exhibition is a co-operation with Jurgis Gecys and Isa Wolke who show their works next to mine at:
Foto Leutner, Westbahnstraße 27-29, 1070 / 2.3.2017 to 29.3.2017.
The title ‚TOURIST‘ was chosen rather ironically as we hope to have achieved a representation of travel photography that differs to the typical touristic attempt of capturing everything seen.
I like to see my photographs as an embodiment of a different view on the surrounding. Beauty found intermediate. The rest has to be remembered.